New paper in Nature Communications

Check out the new paper from our wonderful colleagues at U Illinois Urbana-Champaign on a method for printing very small fibers that could be used to mimic hagfish slime. A spiral structure produced using embedded 3D printing. Image courtesy of M. Tanver...

Hagfishing on the R/V Yellowfin

The Fudge Lab spent a day on the water with Coyote Peterson and the good folks from Brave Wilderness on the R/V Yellowfin on October 4. Check out  the hagfish and slime themed episode on Coyote’s YouTube channel called “Yuck! What Creature Made this...

New paper in JEB on hagfish burrowing.

The Fudge Lab recently published the first paper on hagfish burrowing biomechanics in The Journal of Experimental Biology. This was a collaboration among lots of students and postdocs and got its start during a field course at the Shoals Marine Lab.

New paper published in J. Roy. Soc. Interface

Check out the latest paper from the Fudge Lab on how hagfish slime clogs gills. This project was started at the University of Guelph by postdoc Atsuko Negishi and undergrad Andre Hupe, and involved a collaboration with Randy Ewoldt and his student Gaurav Chaudhary....

New paper published in eLife

Check out the latest paper from the Fudge Lab on the origins of hagfish slime. This project was led by Dr. Yu Zeng, and involved our collaborators at the University of New Hampshire (David Plachetzki and his team) as well as undergrads Hannah Campbell and Kristen...

Welcome Mike!

Welcome to Dr. Michael Mincarone, who arrived for a year-long sabbatical at Chapman University!

New TED-Ed video on hagfishes

Dr. Fudge and Dr. Noah Bressman worked with the wonderful staff at TED-Ed and animator/director Denys Spolitak to create this short video about hagfishes.