Media Appearances

See below for various interviews we have done, as well as links to features on our work. On the left is a moment from David Pogue’s visit to the Fudge Lab to learn about hagfish slime for the Nova show “Making Stuff.” David Pogue tweeted this picture of himself and Julia Herr in the lab. See below for a link to the video.

Atsuko Negishi and Julia Herr from the Fudge Lab appear in David Pogue’s Making Stuff.

Dr. Fudge did an interview with the website Whale Times in celebration of Hagfish Day. You can read the interview here.

Anna Rothschild wrote a piece on our research that aired on PRI’s The World as well as the BBC. You can listen to it here.

Matt Simon wrote a piece about hagfishes and our work that was recently published in You can link to the article here.