Rinzhin T. Sherpa


           Ph.D. candidate at Nauli Lab
           Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
           Chapman University
           9501 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618.                         image001


Email:  sherp101@mail.chapman.edu

View Rinzhin T. Sherpa's profile on LinkedIn         


Aug, 2016 – present          Ph.D., School of Pharmacy, Chapman University
Aug, 2014 – 2016             MSPS, School of Pharmacy, Chapman University
Aug, 2009 – May, 2013     B.A. in Molecular Biology, Coe College


Research interests:
The Nauli lab is interested in studying the Primary cilia, which has been established as a mechanosensory and chemosensory organelle. Once thought to be defunct relic from primitive evolutionary ancestors, increasing studies have proven the importance of functional primary cilia for sensory functions, cellular homeostasis, tissue development and morphogenesis. The term “Ciliopathies” has been used to collectively identify disorders and diseases related to dysfunctional and/or malformed cilia. By studying the underlying mechanism of primary cilia we aim to strategize approaches for “Ciliotherapies”, i.e. to rescue the function of compromised cilia.

Currently, I study cilia related signalling with targeted fluorescent sensors and high resolution microscopy. The aim is to understand the signalling dynamics at high spatial and temporal resolution to gain insights into cilia function and to strategize ciliotherapy based approaches. Some of the videos highlighting cilia are below