
student author/co-author

Kocik, E.M., Kim, A., Aiken, M., Smith, L., and Kim, C.S. (2023) Sulfate enhances the adsorption and retention of Cu(II) and Zn(II) to dispersed and aggregated iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticles. Applied Geochemistry 162, 105929.

O’Connor, K.P., Rosales, R.A., Whiteman, K.K. Montgomery, M., and Kim, C.S. (2021) Wetting/drying cycles influence arsenic bioaccessibility in mine-impacted sediments.  Science of the Total Environment 774, 145420. PDF

Poulin, B.A., Gerbig, C.A., Kim, C.S., Stegemeier, J.P., Ryan, J.N., and Aiken, G.R. (2017) Effects of sulfide concentration and dissolved organic matter characteristics on the structure of nanocolloidal metacinnabar. Environmental Science & Technology 51(22), 13133-13142.

Kim, C.S., Leahy, A., and Kendrick, L. (2017) Credit where credit is due: The faculty-student research banking system as a means to incentivize faculty-mentored research. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research 1(1):1-8.

Dale, J.G., Stegemeier, J.P., and Kim, C.S. (2015) Aggregation of nanoscale iron oxyhydroxides and corresponding effects on metal uptake, retention, and speciation: I. Ionic-strength and pH.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 148, 100-112.

Stegemeier, J.P., Reinsch, B.C., Lentini, C.J., Dale, J.G., and Kim, C.S. (2015) Aggregation of nanoscale iron oxyhydroxides and corresponding effects on metal uptake, retention, and speciation:  II.  Temperature and time.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 148, 113-129.

Foster, A.L., and Kim, C.S. (2014) Arsenic speciation in solids using X-ray absorption spectroscopy.  In Arsenic: Environmental Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and Microbiology, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Bowell, R.J., Alpers, C.N., Jamieson, H.E., Nordstrom, D.K., and Majzlan, J. (Eds.) 79, 257-369.

Kim, C.S., Anthony, T., Goldstein, D., and Rytuba, J.J. (2014) Windborne transport and surface enrichment of arsenic in semi-arid mining regions: examples from the Mojave Desert, California.  Journal of Aeolian Research 14, 85-96.

Chesne, R.B., and Kim, C.S.  (2014) Zn(II) and Cu(II) adsorption and retention onto iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticles:  effects of particle aggregation and salinity.  Geochemical Transactions 15(6).

Kim, C.S., and Shafie, D.M. (2014) Designing the campus environmental audit as a senior capstone course: achieving the triple bottom line.  CUR Quarterly on the Web 34(4).

Kim, C.S., Chi, C., Miller, S.R., Sugihara, E.S., Akau, J. Rytuba, J.J., and Webb, S.M. (2013) (Micro)spectroscopic analyses of particle size dependence on arsenic distribution and speciation in mine wastes. Environmental Science & Technology 47, 8164-8171. PDF

Wang, Q., Nemoto, M., Li, D., Weaver, J. C., Weden, B., Stegemeier, J., Bozhilov, K. N., Wood, L. R., Milliron, G. W., Kim, C. S., DiMasi, E. and Kisailus, D. (2013) Phase transformations and structural developments in the radular teeth of Cryptochiton Stelleri. Advanced Functional Materials 23(23), 2908-2917. PDF

Kim, C.S., Stack, D.H., and Rytuba, J.J. (2012) Fluvial transport and surface enrichment of arsenic in semi-arid mining regions: examples from the Mojave Desert, California. Journal of Environmental Monitoring (special issue on emerging investigators, inside cover article) 14, 1798-1813. PDF

Gerbig, C.A., Kim, C.S., Stegemeier, J.P., Ryan, J.N., and Aiken, G.R. (2011) Formation of nanocolloidal metacinnabar in mercury-DOM-sulfide systems.  Environmental Science & Technology 45(21), 9180-9187 PDF

Kim, C.S., Wilson, K.M., and Rytuba, J.J. (2011) Particle-size dependence on metal distributions in mine wastes: implications for water contamination and human exposure. Applied Geochemistry 26, 484-495. PDF

Jew, A.D., Kim, C.S., Rytuba, J.J., Gustin, M.S., and Brown, G.E. Jr. (2011) A new technique for quantification of elemental Hg in mine wastes and its implications for mercury evasion into the atmosphere. Environmental Science & Technology 45(2), 412-417. PDF

Reinsch, B.C., Kim, C.S., and Lowry, G.L. (2010) Chemical transformations during aging of zero-valent iron nanoparticles in the presence of common groundwater dissolved constituents. Environmental Science & Technology 44(9), 3455–3461. PDF

Gilbert, B., Ching, K.A., Ono, R.K., and Kim, C.S. (2009) The effects of nanoparticle aggregation processes on aggregate structure and metal uptake. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 339(2), 285-295. PDF

Kim, C.S., Lentini, C.J., and Waychunas, G.A. (2008) Synchrotron-based studies of metal adsorption and structural incorporation with iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticles. In Adsorption of Metals By Geomedia II, Barnett, M. (Ed.), Elsevier Academic Press, 153-185.

Gilbert, B., Lu, G. and Kim, C.S. (2007) Stable cluster formation in aqueous suspensions of iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 313, 152-159. PDF

Kim, C.S. (2005) Speciation of mercury using synchrotron radiation. In Mercury: Sources, Measurements, Cycles, and Effects, Parsons, M.B. and Percival, J.B. (Eds.), Halifax, Canada, Mineralogical Association of Canada Short Course Volume 34, 95-122.

Kim, C.S. (2005) Adsorption mechanisms of heavy metals.  In Heavy Metal Ions in the Environment:  Origin, Interaction and Remediation, Bradl, H. (Ed.), Amsterdam, Elsevier Academic Press, 269 p. ISBN-13: 978-012088381

Waychunas, G.A., Kim, C.S., and Banfield, J.F. (2005) Nanoparticulate oxide minerals in soils and sediments: unique properties and contaminant scavenging mechanisms.  Journal of Nanoparticle Research 7, 409-433. PDF

Lowry, G.V., Shaw, S., Kim, C.S., Rytuba, J.J., and Brown, G.E. Jr. (2004) Macroscopic and microscopic observations of particle-facilitated mercury transport from New Idria and Sulphur Bank mercury mine tailings. Environmental Science & Technology 38(19), 5101-5111. PDF

Kim, C.S., Rytuba, J.J., and Brown, G.E. Jr. (2004) EXAFS study of Hg(II) sorption to Fe- and Al-(hydr)oxide surfaces: I. Effects of pH. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 271(1), 1-15. PDF

Kim, C.S., Rytuba, J.J., and Brown, G.E. Jr. (2004) EXAFS study of Hg(II) sorption to Fe- and Al-(hydr)-oxide surfaces: II. Effects of chloride and sulfate. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 270(1), 9-20. PDF

Kim, C.S., Rytuba, J.J., and Brown, G.E. Jr. (2004) Geological and anthropogenic factors influencing mercury speciation in mine wastes: an EXAFS spectroscopy study. Applied Geochemistry 19(3), 379-393. PDF

Kim, C.S., Bloom, N.S., Rytuba, J.J., and Brown, G.E. Jr. (2003) Mercury speciation by X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy and sequential chemical extractions: a comparison of speciation methods. Environmental Science & Technology 37(22), 5102-5108. PDF

Sladek, C., Gustin, M.S., Kim, C.S., and Biester, H. (2002) Assessment of three methods for determining mercury speciation in mine waste. Geochemistry, Exploration, Environment, Analysis 2(4), 369-375. PDF

Gustin, M.S., Biester, H., and Kim, C.S. (2002) Investigation of the light enhanced emission of mercury from naturally enriched substrate. Atmospheric Environment 36, 3241-3254. PDF

Kim, C.S., Brown, G.E. Jr., and Rytuba, J.J. (2000) Characterization and speciation of mercury-bearing mine wastes using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Science of the Total Environment 261(1-3), 157-168. PDF

Kim, C.S., Rytuba, J.J., and Brown, G.E. Jr. (1999) Utility of EXAFS in speciation and characterization of mercury-bearing mine wastes. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 6, 648-650. PDF

Kim, C.S., Yates, D.M., and Heaney, P.J. (1997) The layered sodium silicate magadiite: analog to smectite for benzene sorption from water.  Clays and Clay Minerals 45(6), 881-885. PDF