Embarking on a cultural journey, our La Serata events transcend the boundaries of traditional language learning. This semester, we started by delving into the unspoken language of Italian hand gestures. Participants discovered the fascinating world where conversations flourish without uttering a single word and learned about the importance of this other part of the Italian language!
The journey continued with a rhythmic exploration of Sicilian culture. Guided by the enchanting Michela Musolino, students swayed to the beats of traditional Sicilian dance and music. The workshop unfolded the stories behind each step, weaving a narrative of a region rich in history, tradition, and artistic expression. Michela’s expertise transported us to the sun-soaked landscapes of Sicily, leaving an indelible mark on our understanding of Italian heritage.
Finally, in December, we gathered to share holiday cheer and camaraderie through the most quintessentially Italian pastime: Tombola. Laughter echoed as students eagerly engaged in this time-honored game, creating bonds that transcended cultural boundaries. Tombola became more than just a game; it became a celebration of community, a festive conclusion to a semester dedicated to exploring the multifaceted facets of Italian identity.