Italian director Federico Fellini, arguably the most influential filmmaker worldwide, was born in the Adriatic town of Rimini in 1920. All around the globe, Fellini’s Centennial was celebrated this year in numerous online events, retrospectives of his films, and new publications.
For Dr. Pacchioni, author of groundbreaking studies on the cinema of Fellini and its legacy, 2020 was a busy year. He was invited to talk at specialized international conferences such as Fellini, Italy, Cinema 2020, co-organized by the University of Toronto and Università di Roma La Sapienza, as well as to broader audiences at events organized by the Italian Cultural Institute of Los Angeles and Fondazione Italia.
During 2020, Dr. Pacchioni also finalized a number of new publications on the director of La dolce vita, clarifying the cultural context and the deeper aims of this extraordinarily influential artist. Dr. Pacchioni’s new scholarship appeared in two new volumes: The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Federico Fellini and The Total Art: Italian Cinema from Silent Screen to Digital Image, while two more articles are forthcoming in the Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies and in Toronto’s conference proceedings.
Furthermore, this fall, Dr. Pacchioni taught a monographic course titled The World of Fellini’s Cinema, thus building on the precious link between scholarship and teaching, and guiding Chapman students through the rich palette of events, talks, and celebrations unfolding this year around Fellini’s work.
Few artists have investigated the soul of Italians and manifested the peninsula’s artistic proclivity in new media as Federico Fellini has. Clearly, his films have now entered the realm of the classics and are bound to be remembered and re-experienced by generations to come.
“There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of life”
– Federico Fellini