Jeremy Hsu

Assistant Professor of Biology, Chapman University


My current scholarly interests are in biology education research and pedagogy, while my background and training have been in evolutionary genetics.

Biology education research and pedagogy

I view biology education research and the scholarship of teaching and learning as complementary to my teaching, where discoveries about teaching and learning strengthen my own teaching and those of others. My current pedagogical research focuses on three main areas: first, I assess the efficacy of various educational changes and programs at the classroom, department, and university levels on student learning, motivation, and self-efficacy. Second, I explore various factors that influence student learning both inside and outside the classroom to see how we can better support learning for all students. Finally, I develop new inquiry-based activities that promote learning in evolution, ecology, and beyond.

View my research group’s webpage here for more information on our biology education research projects!

The genetics of monarch butterfly migration

From 2009 to 2011, I conducted research in the lab of Dr. Marcus Kronforst, part of the Harvard FAS Center for Systems Biology. My research focused on examining the genetic basis of migration in monarch butterflies. Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) are famous principally for their spectacular annual migration up through North America. However, the subspecies D. plexippus megalippe, which resides mostly in Central and South America, does not show migratory behavior. I focused on comparing these migratory and non-migratory relatives to determine the extent of their genetic divergence, and on identifying genes which may be involved in the evolution of migratory behavior.
Publications and media

Genetic changes in a tuco-tuco population following environmental perturbations

Working with my advisor, Dr. Elizabeth Hadly, and collaborator Dr. Eileen Lacey, I studied the impact of recent environmental perturbations, such as volcanic eruptions, on the population genetics of the tuco-tuco, a rodent genus endemic to South America. I focused on a specific population of Ctenomys sociabilis, a critically endangered species that lives in northern Patagonia, along the border of Chile and Argentina. Using genetic and genomic techniques, as well as theoretical modeling and ancient DNA, I investigated the changing genetic variability of this species in response to these environmental perturbations.


JH Tuco


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