CV: selected highlights
- Assistant professor of biology, Schmid College of Science and Technology, Chapman University, 2022 – present
- Instructional assistant professor, Schmid College of Science and Technology, Chapman University, 2016 – 2022
- Lecturer, Department of Biology, Stanford University, Summer 2018, 2019, and 2021
- Lecturer, Biological Sciences, University of California San Diego, Summer 2020
- Ph.D. in biology with specialization in ecology and evolution, Stanford University, 2016 (dissertation advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Hadly)
- A.B. cum laude with high honors in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, 2011 (honors thesis advisor: Dr. Marcus Kronforst; awarded Hoopes Prize for Outstanding Thesis)
- Valedictorian, Winter Springs High School, May 2007
Teaching and pedagogy awards, fellowships, and grants
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Improving Undergraduate STEM Education, “Maximizing the Impacts of Inclusive Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences: from Hypothesis to Undergraduate Conference Participation” (co-Principal Investigator; joined the project following the awarding of the grant), 1/1/2025- 4/30/2028
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Grant, “Collaborative Research: HSI Implementation and Evaluation Project: Promoting Student Success by Designing and Evaluating Evidence-Based Interventions for Biology Office Hours” (co-Principal Investigator), 8/1/2024 – 7/31/2027
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research STEM Program Grant, “The SPIRE program: Sustaining and promoting internships and research experiences in underrepresented groups in science and engineering” (Principal Investigator), Air Force Office of Scientific Research, 9/1/2023 – 2/28/2025
- American Psychological Foundation Visionary Grant, “Fostering Ally Development to Reduce Microaggressions among College Students” (co-Principal Investigator), 9/1/2023 – 10/25/2025
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Building Capacity in STEM Education Research, “Student Noticing of Quantitative Data in Introductory Biology Labs” (Principal Investigator), 1/1/2023 – 12/31/2025
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education, “Collaborative Research: Evaluating the Impact of the Promoting Active Learning and Mentoring (PALM) Network on Vision & Change Awareness and Implementation” (Principal Investigator), 1/1/2023 – 12/31/2025
- Catalytic Grant, “Promoting Effective Study Strategies and Textbook Use in Introductory Biology Courses” (Principal Investigator), Biology Leadership Community, 6/1/2022 – 5/31/2025
- Plant Biology Learning Objectives, Outreach Materials and Education (BLOOME) Award, “An inquiry-based module for exploring student conceptions of plant circadian rhythms, gene expression, and defense against insects” (Principal Investigator), American Society of Plant Biologists, 9/1/2022 – 8/31/2023
- Fertilizing Research Opportunities for New Discipline-Based Education Research Scholars (FRONDS) grant, Promoting Active Learning and Mentoring (PALM) Network, 2021
- Promoting Active Learning and Mentoring (PALM) Mentor, American Society for Cell Biology, 2020 – 2022
- Valerie Scudder Award, Chapman University, 2020; the Scudder Award is the university’s highest faculty honor for teaching and service
- Schmid College of Science and Technology Excellence Award, Chapman University, 2020, granted in recognition of excellence in teaching and service
- Scientific Teaching Mentor, Summer Institutes on Scientific Teaching at University of California, San Diego, 2019
- Pedagogical Innovations Award and Grant, Chapman University, 2018
- Designated as Scientific Teaching Fellow after Summer Institutes on Scientific Teaching at University of California, San Diego, 2017
- Preparing Future Professors Fellow, partnership between Stanford and San Jose State; participated in weekly practicum, worked with San Jose State faculty mentor Dr. Leslee Parr, and helped teach graduate-level seminar on evolution, 2014-2015
- Norman K. Wessells Award, Stanford Department of Biology, awarded to the most outstanding graduate teacher, 2013
- Excellence in Teaching Award, Stanford Department of Biology, 2012
Evolution awards, fellowships, and grants
- Winner, BioGENEius Champions of Science Storytelling Challenge, 2019
- Rising Environmental Leader, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, 2015
- Trainee research grant, Stanford Center for Computational, Evolutionary and Human Genomics, 2013
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2011-2013
- Stanford Graduate Fellowship in Science and Engineering, 2011-2016
- Grant-in-aid of Undergraduate Research, Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology and Harvard Herbaria, 2010
- Summer travel grant, Harvard University David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, 2010
- Grant recipient, Harvard College Research Program, 2009 and 2010
Teaching, pedagogy, and biology education publications
- Hsu J., Gartland S., Prate J.#, and Hohensee C. Investigating student noticing of quantitative reasoning in introductory biology labs. 2025. CBE-Life Sciences Education 24(1). # Indicates graduate student mentee
- Hsu J., Misra A., Wolyniak M.J., Goller C., Mathews S., Swamy U., Newman D.L., and Moore M.E. Charting a new vision: Lessons on Vision & Change from a network of biology educators. In press at Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education.
- Forsythe D.† and Hsu J. Characterizing full-time, non-tenure track teaching faculty in biology. In press at Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. † Indicates postdoctoral fellow mentee
- Forsythe D.†, Dewsbury B., and Hsu J. 2024. Exploring the journey of STEM faculty into justice-centered pedagogy. CBE-Life Sciences Education 23(4). † Indicates postdoctoral fellow mentee
- Forsythe D.†, Green R., and Hsu J. 2024. Exploring variations in STEM instructors’ approaches to office hours. CBE-Life Sciences Education 23(4). † Indicates postdoctoral fellow mentee
- Abdo S.‡, Hsu J., Kapetanakis C., Newman D.L., Wright L.K., and Bailey J. 2024. An exploration of spatial visualization skills: Investigating students’ use of 3D models in science problems during think- aloud interviews. Journal of Chemical Education 101(9): 3624-3634. ‡Indicates undergraduate mentee
- Hsu J., Dorner MA, and Hill KM. 2024. Defining evolution: Exploring students’ conceptions of evolution in introductory biology courses. Evolution: Education and Outreach 17(14).
- Lopez S., Pham A., Hsu J., and Halpin P.A. Students bypass the syllabus to utilize alternate LMS locations for assignment deadlines. Advances for Physiology Education 48(3): 588-592.
- Hsu J.*, Sung R.-J.*, Swarat S.L., Gore A.J., Kim S., and Lo S.M. 2024. Variations in student approaches to problem solving in undergraduate biology education. CBE-Life Sciences Education 23(2). *authors contributed equally
- Craig B.‡ and Hsu. J. 2024. A multi-year longitudinal study exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students’ familiarity and perceptions of active learning. Active Learning in Higher Education ‡Indicates undergraduate mentee
- Hsu J., Atamian HA, and Avendano-Woodruff K‡. 2024. Promoting student interest in plant biology through an inquiry-based module exploring plant circadian rhythm, gene expression, and defense against insects. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education 25(1). ‡Indicates undergraduate mentee
- Hsu J., Ahles S, Senger LW, and Prakash A. 2024. Exploring pathways to food science careers in Southern California: A case study in food science career development. Journal of Food Science 89(1): 727-739.
- Hsu J. 2023. An inquiry-based approach for teaching Type III functional responses in ecology. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology, Vol. 13: Figure Set #9 [online].
- Hsu J., Clark N.#, Hill K, and Rowland-Goldsmith M. 2023. Investigating the influence of assessment question framing on undergraduate biology student preference and affect. CBE-Life Sciences Education 22(4). # indicates undergraduate mentee
- Forsythe D.#, and Hsu J. 2023. Neutral theory and beyond: A systematic review of molecular evolution education. Ecology and Evolution 13(8). # indicates postdoctoral mentee
- Goudsouzian L.K., and Hsu J. 2023. Reading primary scientific literature: Approaches for teaching students in the undergraduate STEM classroom. CBE-Life Sciences Education 22(3).
- Clark N.*, #, and Hsu J*. 2023. Insight from biology program learning outcomes: Implications for teaching, learning, and assessment. CBE-Life Sciences Education 22(1). # indicates undergraduate mentee; *authors contributed equally
- Hsu J., and Halpin P. 2022. Exploring physiology instructors’ use of core concepts: Pedagogical factors that influence choice of course topics. Advances in Physiology Education 46(4): 667-676.
- Hsu J., and Dudley L. 2022. Characterizing first-year biology majors’ motivations and perceptions of the discipline. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, e00134-22.
- Hsu J., Rowland-Goldsmith M., and Schwartz E.B. 2022. Student motivations and barriers towards online and in person office hours in STEM courses. CBE-Life Sciences Education 21(4).
- Hsu J. 2022. Setting college students up for success. Science 377(6604): 376.
- Hsu J., Chen A., Cruz-Hinojoza E., Dinh-Dang D., Roth-Johnson E.A., Sato B.K., and Lo S.M. 2021. Characterizing biology education research: Perspectives from practitioners and scholars in the field. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education 22(2): e00147-21.
- Hsu J., Lo S.M., and Sato B.K. 2021. Defining understanding: Perspectives from biology instructors and biology education researchers. American Biology Teacher 83(6): 372-376.
- Hsu J. Promoting academic integrity and student learning in online biology courses. 2021. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education 22(1): 22.1.17.
- Hsu J., and Goldsmith, G. 2021. Instructor strategies to alleviate student stress and anxiety among college and university STEM students. CBE-Life Sciences Education 20(1): doi:10.1187/cbe.20-08-0189
- Hsu J., and Rowland-Goldsmith, M. 2020. Student perceptions of an inquiry-based molecular biology lecture and lab following a mid-semester transition to online teaching. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education: doi:10.1002/bmb.21478
- Hsu J. 2020. Using primary literature on SARS-CoV-2 to promote student learning about evolution. Ecology and Evolution 10(22): 12418-12422.
- Hsu J. 2019. A “choose-your-own-experiment” classroom-based activity that promotes scientific inquiry about RNA interference. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education 20(3).
- Hsu J.*, Imad M.*, and Wilson K.* 2019. Furry with a chance of evolution: Exploring genetic drift with tuco-tucos. CourseSource: *authors contributed equally
- Furrow R.*, and Hsu J.* 2019. Concept inventories as a resource for teaching evolution. Evolution: Education and Outreach 12(2). *authors contributed equally
- Hsu J. 2018. Using functional responses to investigate the ecological consequences of an introduced biological control agent. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology, Vol. 13: Figure Set #1 [online].
- Hsu J., Wrona A., Brownell S., and Khalfan W. 2016. The Explorations program: benefits of single-session, research- focused classes for students and postdoctoral instructors. Journal of College Science Teaching 45(6): 78-86.
Evolution publications
- Hsu J., Crawford J.C., Tammone M.N., Ramakrishnan U., Lacey E.A., and Hadly E.A. 2017. Genomic data reveal a loss of diversity in two species of tuco-tucos (genus Ctenomys) following a volcanic eruption. Scientific Reports 7: 16227.
- Hsu J., Kam S.**, Tammone M., Lacey E.A., and Hadly E. A. 2017. Rapid increase in genetic diversity in an endemic Patagonian tuco-tuco following a recent volcanic eruption. Journal of Mammalogy 98(3): 779-792. ** denotes undergraduate mentored in lab
- Solari K.A., Frank H.K.*, Frishkoff L.O.*, Hsu J.*, Kemp M.E.*, Mychajliw A.M.*, and Hadly E.A. 2016. Opportunity for some, extinction for others: the fate of species in the Anthropocene. Evolutionary Ecology Research 17: 787-813. *authors contributed equally
- Zhan S., Zhang W., Niitepõld K., Hsu J., Haeger J.F., Zalucki M.P., Altizer S, de Roode J.C., Reppert S.M., and Kronforst M. 2014. The genetics of monarch butterfly migration and warning coloration. Nature 514: 317-321.