We are committed to inclusive, evidence-based teaching. Courses taught by Dr. Hsu include:
- Biology 101: Introduction to the biology major and professional development for the major
- Biology 123: Beyond Jurassic World: The Science of DNA and Dinosaurs (non-majors class fulfilling natural sciences general education requirement)
- Biology 205: Evolution and Diversity of Multicellular Organisms (general biology II; covers ecology, evolution, and plant biology)
- Biology 208 (cross-listed as Biochemistry 208): Molecular Genetics
- Biology 208L (cross-listed as Biochemistry 208L): Molecular Genetics Laboratory
- Biology 369: Evolution: From DNA to Dinosaurs
- Biology 498: Capstone course for senior biology students; past topics include the evolution and genetics of monarch butterfly migration; epigenetics and gene regulation in sticklebacks; and the biology of SARS-CoV-2
- Environmental Science 499 (Evolution and ecology of the Galápagos)
In addition, other members of the lab are involved in formal and informal teaching as well. For instance, Dr. Forsythe teaches within the Grand Challenges Initiative sequence for STEM majors, and Noelle serves as an supplemental instructor for introductory biology courses.