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- Hsu J., Gartland S., Prate J., and Hohensee C. 2025. Investigating student noticing of quantitative reasoning in introductory biology labs. CBE-Life Sciences Education 24(1).
- Hsu J., Misra A., Wolyniak M.J., Goller C., Mathews S., Swamy U., Newman D.L., and Moore M.E. Charting a new vision: Lessons on Vision & Change from a network of biology educators. In press at Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education.
- Forsythe D. and Hsu J. Characterizing full-time, non-tenure track teaching faculty in biology. In press at Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education.
- Forsythe D., Dewsbury B., and Hsu J. 2024. Exploring the journey of STEM faculty into justice-centered pedagogy. CBE-Life Sciences Education 23(4).
- Forsythe D., Green R., and Hsu J. 2024. Exploring variations in STEM instructors’ approaches to office hours. CBE-Life Sciences Education 23(4).
- Abdo S., Hsu J., Kapetanakis C., Newman D.L., Wright L.K., and Bailey J. 2024. An exploration of spatial visualization skills: Investigating students’ use of 3D models in science problems during think- aloud interviews. Journal of Chemical Education 101(9): 3624-3634.
- Hsu J., Dorner M.A., and Hill K.M. 2024. Defining evolution: Exploring students’ conceptions of evolution in introductory biology courses. Evolution: Education and Outreach 17(14).
- Lopez S., Pham A., Hsu J., and Halpin P.A. Students bypass the syllabus to utilize alternate LMS locations for assignment deadlines. Advances for Physiology Education 48(3): 588-592.
- Hsu J.*, Sung R.-J.*, Swarat S.L., Gore A.J., Kim S., and Lo S.M. 2024. Variations in student approaches to problem solving in undergraduate biology education. CBE-Life Sciences Education 23(2). *authors contributed equally
- Craig B. and Hsu. J. 2024. A multi-year longitudinal study exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students’ familiarity and perceptions of active learning. Active Learning in Higher Education
- Hsu J., Atamian HA, and Avendano-Woodruff K. 2024. Promoting student interest in plant biology through an inquiry-based module exploring plant circadian rhythm, gene expression, and defense against insects. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education 25(1).
- Hsu J., Ahles S, Senger LW, and Prakash A. 2024. Exploring pathways to food science careers in Southern California: A case study in food science career development. Journal of Food Science 89(1): 727-739.
- Hsu J. 2023. An inquiry-based approach for teaching Type III functional responses in ecology. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology, Vol. 13: Figure Set #9 [online].
- Hsu J., Clark N, Hill K, and Rowland-Goldsmith M. 2023. Investigating the influence of assessment question framing on undergraduate biology student preference and affect. CBE-Life Sciences Education 22(4).
- Forsythe D., and Hsu J. 2023. Neutral theory and beyond: A systematic review of molecular evolution education. Ecology and Evolution 13(8).
- Goudsouzian L.K., and Hsu J. 2023. Reading primary scientific literature: Approaches for teaching students in the undergraduate STEM classroom. CBE-Life Sciences Education 22(3).
- Clark N.*, and Hsu J*. 2023. Insight from biology program learning outcomes: Implications for teaching, learning, and assessment. CBE-Life Sciences Education 22(1). *authors contributed equally
- Hsu J., and Halpin P. 2022. Exploring physiology instructors’ use of core concepts: Pedagogical factors that influence choice of course topics. Advances in Physiology Education 46(4): 667-676.
- Hsu J., and Dudley L. 2022. Characterizing first-year biology majors’ motivations and perceptions of the discipline. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, e00134-22.
- Hsu J., Rowland-Goldsmith M., and Schwartz E.B. 2022. Student motivations and barriers towards online and in person office hours in STEM courses. CBE-Life Sciences Education 21(4).
- Hsu J. 2022. Setting college students up for success. Science 377(6604): 376.
- Hsu J., Chen A., Cruz-Hinojoza E., Dinh-Dang D., Roth-Johnson E.A., Sato B.K., and Lo S.M. 2021. Characterizing biology education research: Perspectives from practitioners and scholars in the field. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education 22(2): e00147-21.
- Hsu J., Lo S.M., and Sato B.K. 2021. Defining understanding: Perspectives from biology instructors and biology education researchers. American Biology Teacher 83(6): 372-376.
- Hsu J. Promoting academic integrity and student learning in online biology courses. 2021. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education 22(1): 22.1.17.
- Hsu J., and Goldsmith, G. 2021. Instructor strategies to alleviate student stress and anxiety among college and university STEM students. CBE-Life Sciences Education 20(1): doi:10.1187/cbe.20-08-0189
- Hsu J., and Rowland-Goldsmith, M. 2020. Student perceptions of an inquiry-based molecular biology lecture and lab following a mid-semester transition to online teaching. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education: doi:10.1002/bmb.21478
- Hsu J. 2020. Using primary literature on SARS-CoV-2 to promote student learning about evolution. Ecology and Evolution 10(22): 12418-12422.
- Hsu J. 2019. A “choose-your-own-experiment” classroom-based activity that promotes scientific inquiry about RNA interference. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education 20(3).
- Hsu J.*, Imad M.*, and Wilson K.* 2019. Furry with a chance of evolution: Exploring genetic drift with tuco-tucos. CourseSource: *authors contributed equally
- Furrow R.*, and Hsu J.* 2019. Concept inventories as a resource for teaching evolution. Evolution: Education and Outreach 12(2). *authors contributed equally
- Hsu J. 2018. Using functional responses to investigate the ecological consequences of an introduced biological control agent. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology, Vol. 13: Figure Set #1 [online].
- Hsu J., Wrona A., Brownell S., and Khalfan W. 2016. The Explorations program: benefits of single-session, research- focused classes for students and postdoctoral instructors. Journal of College Science Teaching 45(6): 78-86.