Manuscripts Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals
* Bold names, undergraduate collaborators
42. Wright, W.G. Adaptive evolution of learning and memory in a model lineage. In Krause, M., K. L. Hollis, & M. R. Papini (Eds.) Evolution of Learning and Memory Mechanisms. Cambridge University Press.
41. Pepino, C. , C. Rakovski, C. Gutierrez, A. Rodriguez, S. Tillett, C. Berriman, M. Mason, A. Watkins Ingalls, R. Emshwiler, S. C. Scher, V. Zachary, L. Lee, S. Johnson, K. Olsen, W. G. Wright. Sensitized by a sea slug: site-specific short-term and general long-term sensitization in Aplysia following Navanax attack. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 187, Article 107542,
40. Kabala, R. T., N. A. Swinford, M. J. Mason, and W. G. Wright. The role of dislodgement in the territorial ecology of the owl limpet, Lottia gigantea. Ethology Ecology & Evolution: 1-15.
39. Mason, M. J., V. A. Zachary, J. Berriman, A. B. Mason, C. Rakovski, and W. G. Wright. Reduced tenacity during “high-speed” territorial encounters in the intertidal owl limpet, Lottia gigantea: Agonistic escalation increases risk of wash-off. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 509:71-81.
38. Himstead, A., and W. G. Wright. Precise foraging schedule in an intertidal euopisthobranch mollusk. Mar. Freshw. Behav. Physiol. 51(2): 131-141.
37. Berriman, J. S., M. Kay, D. Reed, A. Rassweiler, D. Goldstein, and W. G. Wright. Shifts in attack behavior of an important kelp forest predator within marine reserves. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 522: 193-201.
36. M. J. Mason, A. J. Watkins, M. Brown, J. Wakabayashi, J. Buechler, and W. G. Wright. Connecting model species to nature: predator-induced long-term sensitization in Aplysia californica. Learning & Memory: 21: 363-367.
35. A. J. Watkins, D. A. Goldstein, L. C. Lee, C. J. Pepino, S. L. Tillett, F. E. Ross, E. L. Wilder, V. A. Zachary, and W. G. Wright. Lobster attack induces sensitization in the sea hare, Aplysia californica. J. Neurosci. 30: 11028 –11031.
34. K. K. Takagi, N. Ono, and W. G. Wright. Interspecific variation in palatability suggests co-specialization of anti-predator defenses in sea hares. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 416:137-144.
33. Wright, W. G., and J. W. Nybakken. Effect of wave action on movement in the owl limpet, Lottia gigantea. Bull. Mar. Sci.81: 235-244.
32. Jami, S. A., Wright, W. G., and D. L. Glanzman. Differential classical conditioning of the gill-withdrawal reflex in Aplysia recruits both NMDA receptor-dependent enhancement and NMDA receptor-dependent depression of the reflex. J. Neurosci. 2007 27: 3064-3068.
31. Hoover, B. A., H. Nguyen, L. Thompson, and W. G. Wright. Associative memory in three aplysiids: Correlation with heterosynaptic modulation. Learn. Mem. 13: 820-826.
30. Marinesco, S. K.L. Duran, and W. G. Wright. Evolution of learning in three aplysiid species: Differences in heterosynaptic plasticity contrast with conservation in serotonergic pathways. J. Physiology-London 550 (1): 241-253.
29. Wright, W. G. Neuronal and behavioral plasticity in evolution: Experiments in a model lineage. Bioscience. 50: 883-894.
28. Shivik, J. A., W. G. Wright, and L. Clark. Seasonal variability in brown treesnake (Boiga irregularis) response to lures. Can. J. Zool. 78: 79-84.
27. Erixon, N. J., L. J. DeMartini, and W. G. Wright. Dissociation between sensitization and learning-related neuromodulation in an aplysiid species. J. Comp. Neurol. 408: 506-514.
26. Maynard, B. J., T. A. Wellnitz, N. Zanini, W. G. Wright, B.S. Dezfuli. Parasite-altered behavior in a crustacean intermediate host: field and laboratory studies. Journal of Parasitology. 84:1102-1106
25. Wright, W. G. Evolution of nonassociative learning: Behavioral analysis of a “phylogenetic lesion”. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 69:326-337.
24. Wright, W. G., D. Kirschman, D. Rozen, & B. Maynard. Phylogenetic analysis of learning-related neuromodulation in molluscan mechanosensory neurons. Evolution 50: 2248-2263.
23. Maynard, B. J., DeMartini, L., & Wright, W.G. Gammarus lacustris harboring Polymorphus marilis and Polymorphus paradoxus show altered patterns of serotonin-like immunoreactivity. J. Parasitology 82: 663-666.
22. Wright, W. G., E. McCance, and T. J. Carew. Developmental emergence of long-term memory for sensitization in Aplysia. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 65: 261-268.
21. Wright, W. G., K. Jones, P. Sharp, and B. Maynard. Widespread anatomical projections of the serotonergic modulatory neuron, CB1, in Aplysia. Invert. Neurosci. 1: 173-183.
20. Wright, W. G. and A. L. Shanks. Interspecific association between bail-out behavior and habitat is geographically and phylogenetically widespread. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 188: 133-143.
19. Wright, W. G. & D. Kirschman. Direct comparison of serotonin effects on siphon versus tail sensory neurons in Aplysia. Learning and Memory 2:178-184.
18. Wright, W. G. and T. J. Carew. A single identified interneuron gates tail-shock induced inhibition in the siphon withdrawal reflex of Aplysia. J. Neurosc. 15: 790-797.
17. Wright, W. G., and A. L. Shanks. Previous experience determines territorial behavior in an archaeogastropod limpet. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 166: 217-229.
12. Wright, W. G., E. A. Marcus, and T. J. Carew. Facilitation and inhibition in the siphon withdrawal reflex of Aplysia: A behavioral and cellular analysis. In Carew, T. J. and D. B. Kelly. Perspectives in Neural Systems and Behavior. New York Alan R. Liss, Inc.
11. Wright, W. G. Sex change in the Mollusca. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 3: 137-140.
10. Shanks, A. L. and W. G. Wright. Internal-wave-mediated shoreward transport of cyprids, megalopae, and gammarids, and correlated longshore differences in settling rate of intertidal barnacles. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 114:1-13.
9. Shanks, A. L., W. G. Wright, and G. Maltz. What triggers the “bail out” behaviour in the limpet Lottia gigantea? Mar. Behav. Physiol. 12: 71-79.
8. Shanks, A. L., and W. G. Wright. Adding teeth to wave action: the destructive effects of wave-borne rocks on intertidal organisms. Oecologia 69: 420-428.
7. Huber, M. E., W. G. Wright, and R. A. Lewin. Divalent cations and flagellar autotomy in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Phycologia 25: 408-411.
6. Wright, W. G. The behavioral ecology of the limpet Lottia gigantea: interaction between territoriality, demography, and protandric hermaphroditism. PhD. Thesis. University of California San Diego.
5. Lindberg, D. R. and W. G. Wright. Patterns of sex change of the protandric patellacean Lottia gigantea (Mollusca: Gastropoda) Veliger 27(3): 261-265.
4. Wright, W. G. Ritualized behavior in a territorial limpet. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 50 245-251.
2. Wright, W. G. and D. R. Lindberg. A nonfatal method of sex determination for patellacean gastropods. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 59: 803.
1. Wright, W. G. and J. A. Raymond. Air breathing in a California sculpin. J. exp. Zool. 203: 171-176.
Abstracts in Scientific Meetings
* Bold names were undergraduate collaborators
Ab1. Sidun, A. F., and W. G. Wright. Slight acidity abolishes chemically mediated avoidance behavior in an intertidal hermit crab. West. Soc. Nat. Ann Meeting. 162.
Himstead, A. H., and W. G. Wright. Survival without a shell: Evolutionary loss of chemical and cognitive defenses associated with precise predator avoidance. West. Soc. Nat. Ann Meeting. 79.
Ab2. Gould, N. G., T. Gunanto, J. Martinez, W. G. Wright. Field experiments demonstrate that heat spells can reduce territory defense in the owl limpet, Lottia gigantea. West. Soc. Nat. Ann Meeting. 40.
Gomez, S. F., K. K. Takagi, and W. G. Wright. Hermit-crab assay reveals heterogeneity in deterrence by actively secreted chemical defenses in Aplysia californica. Soc. Integr. Comp. Biol. Ann. Meeting P1.44.
Takagi, K. K., C. R. James, and W. G. Wright. A model system for predicting the effects of global warming: Acute and chronic effects of warm temperature on feeding behavior of Pagurus samuelis. Soc. Integr. Comp. Biol. Ann. Meeting P3.33.
Berriman, J. S., M. C. Kay, D. C. Reed, and W. G. Wright. Prey depletion in marine reserves consistently broadens predator diet. West. Soc. Nat. Ann Meeting. 8
Swinford, N. A., M. J. Mason, R. T. Kabala, and W. G. Wright. Risk of dislodgment during territorial encounters in Lottia gigantea is negligible, save for the youngest combatants. West. Soc. Nat. Ann Meeting. 96.
Triebnig, C. J., K. K. Takagi, W. G. Wright. Hermit crabs avoid predator cues, regardless of the strength of their protective shell. West. Soc. Nat. Ann Meeting. 100.
Mason, M. J., A. J. Watkins, M. Brown, J. Buechler, J. Wakabayashi, and W. G. Wright. Repeated lobster attack, like repeated electric shock, produces long-lasting sensitization and reduces spike threshold of tail mechanosensory neurons. Soc. Neurosci. Ann Meeting. 297.29.
Goldstein, D. A., J. S. Berriman, and W. G. Wright. Spiny lobsters, Panulirus interruptus, from inside marine life protected areas, exhibit unprecedented attack behavior on sea hares (Aplysia californica). West. Soc. Nat. Ann Meeting.
Berriman, J. S., and W. G. Wright. Do territorial owl limpets (Lottia gigantea) assess risk? Tenacity and speed of chase behavior correlate with local neighborhood. West. Soc. Nat. Ann Meeting.
Zachary, V. A., M. J. Mason, and W. G. Wright. Battles against competitors and waves in the California rocky intertidal: A study of the tenacity of the territorial owl limpet, Lottia gigantea. West. Soc. Nat. Ann Meeting
Berriman, J. S., M. J., Mason, M. W. Denny, and W. G. Wright. Water cannon discharges that mimic moderate waves reveal elevated risk of dislodgment during territorial encounters in the intertidal limpet, Lottia gigantea. West. Soc. Nat. Ann Meeting
Thomas, C. S., A. Rodriguez, S. L. Tillett, and W. G. Wright. Sublethal attack by Navanax inermis (Phylum, Mollusca) produces sensitization in Aplysia californica. Program No. 813.11. 2006 Neuroscience Meeting Planner Atlanta GA: Society for Neuroscience, 2006. Online.
Ross, F., E. L. Wilder, S. L. Tillet, and W. G. Wright. Sub-lethal attack by Panulirus interuptus (Crustacea) produces sensitization in Aplysia californica. Program No. 813.12. 2006 Neuroscience Meeting Planner Atlanta GA: Society for Neuroscience, 2006. Online.
Takagi, K. K., N. Reihanifam, B. Freitas, and W. G. Wright. Chemical versus cognitive defenses in opisthobranch mollusks. Soc. Integr. Comp. Biol. Ann. Meeting: 23.4, pg42.
Koltavary, E., B. Hoover, K. Koltavary, T. Capo, and W. G. Wright. Experimentally compromised chemical defenses enhances sensitization in Aplysia. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 34. 778.15
Takagi, K., & W. G. Wright. Chemical versus cognitive defenses in opisthobranch mollusks. West. Soc. Naturalists. Annual Meeting.
Marinesco, S., K. L. Duran, & W. G. Wright. Evolution of learning in three aplysiid species: Differences in heterosynaptic plasticity contrast with conservation in serotonergic pathways. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Learning and Memory.
Shekib, A., W. G. Wright, and D. L., Glanzman. Differential classical conditioning of the Aplysia gill-withdrawal reflex depends upon NMDA receptor activation and a competitive interaction between the neural pathways. Soc. For Neurosc. Abstr 28: 520.4.
Hoover, B., L. Thompson, and W. G. Wright. Evolutionary loss of modulation by serotonin is correlated with shorter memory of classical conditioning in an aplysiid clade. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 27: 644.24
Wright, W. G., and D. L. Glanzman. Synaptic plasticity depends upon synaptic milieu: Observations from co-cultures of Aplysia neurons. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. Soc. Neurosc. Abstr. 26: 1525
Wright, W. G. A phylogenetic analysis of non-associative learning mechanisms in a molluscan lineage. The XVIIIth (New) International Congress of Zoology.
Wright, W. G., R. Yong, and D. L. Glanzman. Synaptic competition at the Aplysia sensorimotor synapse: Tetanic stimulation of one presynaptic input depresses a second presynaptic input. Soc. Neurosc. Abstr. 25: 1314.
Duran, K. L., J. W. Kinney, and W. G. Wright. Site-specific sensitization in a species lacking generalized sensititization. Soc. Neurosc. Abstr. 24: 1190
Maynard, B. J., N. J. Erixon, L. J. DeMartini, and W. G. Wright. Dissociation between sensitization and learning-related neuromodulattion in an aplysiid species. Soc. Neurosc. Abstr. 24: 1190.
Wright, W. G. 1997. Evolution of non-associative learning: Behavioral analysis of an evolution-induced neuromodulatory lesion. Soc. Neurosc. Abstr. 23: 1959.
Wright, W. G., K. Jones, P. Sharp, and B. Maynard. Does the serotonergic neuron, CB1, modulate multiple reflexes in Aplsyia? Anatomical evidence. Soc. Neurosc. Abstr. 21: 1024.
Wright, W. G., and B. Maynard. Evolution of learning-related neuromodulation in opisthobranch molluscs. Soc. Neurosc. Abstr. 20: 230.
Wright, W. G., D. Kirschman, and D. Rozen. Evolution of serotonin-induced changes in firing properties of opisthobranch mechanosensory neurons. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium: Neurobiology of Aplysia.
Wright, W. G., and D. Kirschmann. Serotonin-induced increases in excitability and action potential duration in mechanosensory neurons: similarity across ganglia and between species. Soc. Neurosc. Abstr. 18: 16.
Wright, W. G., and T. J. Carew. Contributions of interneurons to tail-shock induced inhibition of the siphon withdrawal reflex in Aplysia. Soc. Neurosc. Abstr. 16: 20.
Wright, W. G., E. M. Marcus, and T. J. Carew. Multiple sites of synaptic modulation mediate behavioral plasticity in Aplysia. Am. Malacol. Un. 56th Ann. meeting.
Wright, W. G., E. A. Marcus, and T. J. Carew. Dissociation of monosynaptic and polysynaptic contributions to dishabituation, sensitization, and inhibition in Aplysia. Soc. Neurosci. 15: 1265.
Carew, T. J., W. G. Wright, and E. McCance. Development of long-term memory in Aplysia: Long-term sensitization is present when short-term sensitization first emerges. Soc. Neurosci 15: 1285.
Marcus, E. A., W. G. Wright, and T. J. Carew. Behavioral and cellular dissociation of multiple components of nonassociative learning in Aplysia. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium: Cell and Molecular Neurobiology of Aplysia: 50.
Wright, W. G., E. A. Marcus, H. Thaker, and T.J. Carew 1988. A cellular analysis of tail-shock induced inhibition in the siphon withdrawal reflex of Aplysia. Soc. Neurosci. 14: 841.
Wright, W. G. An indirect method to detect predation of the owl limpet, Lottia gigantea. 2nd Calif. Isl. Symposium, St. Barbara, Calif.
Wright, W. G. Fight or flee in a territorial limpet: Substratum cues and previous experience. Am Zool. 24: 101A.
Wright, W. G. Is sex change in limpets socially mediated? Am. Zool. 24: 60A.
Wright, W. G. Ritualized behavior in a territorial limpet. West.Soc.Natur. 62nd Ann. Meeting.: 47.
Wright, W. G. Behavioral plasticity in a territorial limpet. West. Soc. Natur. 63rd Ann. Meeting: 57.
Wright, W. G. Aspects of the ecology and behavior of the owl limpet, Lottia gigantea. West. Soc Malacol. Ann. Rep. 11: 7.
Wright, W. G. Avoidance and escape: Two responses of Intertidal limpets to the presence of the territorial owl limpet Lottia gigantea. West. Soc. Nat. 58th Ann. Meeting: 50.
Wright, W. G. and J. A. Raymond. Air-breathing in California sculpin. West. Soc. Nat. 58th Ann. Meeting: 55.