The Gallio Film Festival, officially called Gallio Film Festival del Cinema Italiano Opere Prime, is an Italian film festival dedicated to showcasing debut works from emerging filmmakers. It is held annually in the scenic town of Gallio, located on the Asiago plateau. The festival focuses on “opere prime” — first-time feature-length films by Italian directors— and aims to give young directors a platform to present their work to a broader audience. The event is organized by passionate volunteers from the local community and has become an important cultural gathering in the region, celebrating not only cinema but also the heritage of the Asiago plateau.
The festival features a variety of film categories, including fictional works and films that address important social issues like integration, tolerance, and environmental protection. Over the years, the event has gained prestige, attracting both established and rising stars of the Italian cinema industry. Past participants include directors who later achieved international recognition, such as Alice Rohrwacher and Emanuele Crialese. Various awards are given, including the prestigious “Ermanno Olmi” award for best film and prizes for acting, directing, and screenwriting.
This summer, Dr. Pacchioni was invited to serve as a member of the jury along with journalists Sergio Frigo and Valentina Berengo, actors Marianna Folli and Paolo Bufalino, Producer Elisabetta Olmi and filmmaker Fabio Rosi.
In the photo, Dr. Pacchioni and the festival’s MC Dr. Ilaria Serra (Florida Atlantic University) face the Cineghel, where the festival takes place.