The summer 2018 Chapman Italian Studies travel course Journey to Sicily: Immersion in Taormina has begun. This summer, students will spend three weeks improving their language skills by living with an Italian family and taking intensive courses in Italian language and culture. Their linguistic development will be integrated with an introduction to the natural and cultural history of the Ionian coast through various field trips to places like Catania, Acitrezza, the Alcantara Valley, and the Etna vulcano. This multifaceted and fascinating cultural experience, designed in collaboration with Babilonia’s Center for Italian Studies, will also include a critical laboratory, consisting of lectures and conversations with local experts and aimed at gaining a better understanding of the challenges and potentials of tourism in Italy, with Taormina as a case study.
Below is the group of ten students with Dr. Pacchioni during their first walk through Lady Trevelyan’s Villa Comunale in Taormina.