Estrellita Uribe begins internship with Pacific Symphony

Estrellita Uribe (Strategic and Corporate Communication/Italian Studies 2017) has just started an internship with Pacific Symphony. Below she describes her new role and how the study of Italian language and culture is helping her to advance professionally.

“I am the public relations intern at Pacific Symphony, an american orchestra directed by Carl St. Clair. I mainly research and write creative social media content and conduct interviews and write stories for program books and the website. On any day I might also organize photo resources and the media database, prepare media kits, assist media at concerts and special events, and assist the Symphony’s overall marketing and PR campaigns. Not only did knowing Italian help with my interview, where I had the chance to discuss a lot of the literary work I have been reading in class (and the fact that speaking another language is a huge plus), but a lot of my knowledge of the artists or the pieces come from my Italian Studies minor. I recently worked on social media content for multiple platforms about an opera by Giuseppe Verdi, an Italian composer. There is also a concert by the symphony on Ellis Island, a major immigration theme for one of my papers for a course in the minor.”

Estrellita Uribe is a senior majoring in Strategic and Corporate Communication and minoring in Italian Studies. During her time at Chapman, she has been involved with Greek life (she was the director of community service for Alpha Phi) and served as president for ISA (International Student Association). She also works at the office of admission giving tours of our beautiful campus. She has a huge passion for languages, Italian is her third language and she is excited to keep learning about Italy and its culture.


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