VR Practicum


VR has an equal amount of pros and cons in my opinion. As we learned in our class reading, What is Virtual Reality by Robert Cable, VR is being used in the military and in medicine. He also points to the fact that VR is well suited to training, and is notably an immersive medium. In our class reading 3D Recording and Museums by Stuart Robson we learn of all the possibilities that come with 3D imaging of surfaces for museums and digital reparation. This author states “3D models offer new ways of interacting with, and understanding, museum objects within the museum, providing eye-catching contextual information… that encourages visual thinking, communication and learning” (Robson, 97). Kenderdine reiterates the positive museum experiences by stating that the technologies can provide “creative visualization” and “creative data collection” (Kenderdine, 36). I really love all the good that virtual reality can do in a variety of scenarios. I think that these uses should be limited to work, education, simple games and research. 


Robson discussed concerns, which include its “high cost, accessibility, overall process, risk of damaging the real objects in museums and shifting perceptions of real objects” (Robson, 98).  Another author from our class readings, Cable, states that a con to VR is cultural criticism that can come into play when using the virtual environment by deconstructing the real world with an artificial one. I personally believe that VR can create damage by providing a false perspective on reality. As we discussed in class, these virtual spaces might become more fun and appealing than the real world which in my opinion could turn into a real problem, especially as technology continues to advance.  


I really loved the Traveling While Black video. I think experiences like this can be really educationally beneficial. As the video stated, experiences like these can be helpful to understand things from a new perspective and sometimes feeling like you were in these spaces creates an impact that pictures and videos simply won’t envoke. The Pure Land AR experience is crazy to me. It really helps set in the idea that these technologies are far more accessible in ways that we never would have imagined. I have an ipad and it’s crazy to me that small modifications can totally change the future of mobile media. Finally, The Virtual Studio shows how museums can use VR technologies to create virtual spaces with unique perspectives, colors, geometry, sense of time, and floor plan constructions. I am taking an Art History class right now and we viewed lots of virtual exhibitions over the semester so I definitely appreciate the use of technology from an art perspective. There are things you experience from these virtual environments that provide a deeper level of understanding than you ever would have got from the physical space. 


Overall, I think I am probably on the same page as Robert Cable which is neutral. The pros are really unique and have enhanced a lot of experiences and provided lots of historians and educators with amazing tools. Yet, the cons are very scary to me.  I already feel so connected to technology that the idea of becoming connected in a way that can shift reality freaks me out a lot. With that said, my neutrality only extends so far. As soon as games become too realistic on VR where individuals cannot separate real life from an imaginary one, then I will no longer support the advancements in VR or its uses. 


Cited Sources: 

Schreibman, S., Siemens, R. G., & Unsworth, J. (2016). A new companion to digital humanities. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Cable, R. (2019, May 18). What is virtual reality? Retrieved May 09, 2021, from https://shc.stanford.edu/news/stories/what-virtual-reality

Claire Warwick, et al. Digital Humanities in Practice. Facet Publishing, 2012. EBSCOhost, search-ebscohost-com.libproxy.chapman.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,uid&db=nlebk&AN=558471&site=eds-live.

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