Dear Future Student,
Welcome to Digital Humanities! I must admit I’m jealous – you are just starting an experience that I really enjoyed. I hope you are ready to think deeply about technology and the internet. It’s a fascinating subject, and Professor Remy will lead you to some really meaty articles. But you will probably learn the most this semester from your classmates. This class is full of interesting discussions, and you will hear perspectives that you haven’t before. Don’t be afraid to come forward with your own experiences. Whether it’s something you love, hate, or are indifferent to, your perspective on matters is what makes this class great.
This class asks what it means to study the humanities using technology. I took this class during the Coronavirus lockdown, so it was entirely remote. This was a great time to study this subject, because I had examples right in front of me of the benefits of the internet with regards to accessibility for everyone. However, we also saw some of the downsides of this – learning how to operate technologies remotely can be difficult. If you ever had to take classes remotely due to lockdown (or for other reasons), I encourage you to think about your perspective. What positives and negatives do you see in each? What about other online communications? As a society, more and more of our culture has moved online. Taking this class is a great opportunity for you to think critically about what this means for you.
The most important technology I learned about this semester was Zotero, which is a program to create bibliographies and citations quickly. I wished I had found this program earlier! But the most important lesson of this class is that everyone can accomplish a lot with technology. I do not feel like a coder, after having taken this class. But, I did do a little coding, and I learned a lot from the experience. You don’t have to throw yourself into things and become an expert; just try your best, and accept that learning is why you’re here. Make an attempt, and reflect on your experiences, and you will do well. It is your reflections and thoughts that matter, not if you’re able to succeed at every single activity. Don’t be intimidated.
I will be bringing Zotero out of this class, but I will also be bringing the confidence to try new technologies, and the perspective on why accessibility matters. These will be great benefits for the rest of my education, and my life. You made a good choice to take this class, it will be useful whatever your major is.
I also bring the deep-rooted fear that comes whenever I think about the lack of privacy online. This isn’t a new thing for me, but you might gain some existential dread with the greater understanding of how technologies work. Don’t be afraid to think about the negatives of technology, as well as the positives. Having a well-rounded understanding on things will allow you to make informed decisions.
Have a great semester. I hope you’re able to meet with your classmates in person – I never appreciated that enough before this year.